Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we offer board and train programs for dogs.

Yes, we provide private lessons for personalized dog training.

No, we only board dogs that are part of our training programs.

Yes, we accept credit card payments for our services.

Yes, we offer a payment plan option through Lending USA.

No, we do not address human aggression issues in dogs.

While we put dogs on a housebreaking routine during their stay, we want to clarify that we do not claim to provide a fully housebroken dog. The routine must be continued and followed at home, as consistency is key to successful housebreaking.

Dogs can start training at 16 weeks of age.

If there is an opening, you can start the same day you contact us.

The dogs are housed at our 1-acre facility in Palmdale, California. Our trainers live on the premises with the dogs.

Phase 1 includes 6 follow-up lessons. For Phase 2 and 3, follow-up lessons are provided for the lifetime of the dog at our location once a week.

There is no government certification for dog trainers. Our trainers are some of the top competitive trainers in the world, actively competing in dog obedience and protection events.

No, we do not train service dogs.

Yes, we do train dogs to be comfortable on public transportation. Please discuss this during the consultation.

We are available by phone 23 out of 24 hours.

Please note that these are the frequently asked questions regarding our services at America's Best Dog Trainers. If you have any further inquiries, feel free to contact us.